This page contains system software, games and applications for the RC579 PICCOLINE. Most of the software is available as raw 1.2MB floppy disk images which can be written to 5.25" floppy disks for use on a real RC759 or used as virtual floppy disks in the RC759 emulator.
A guide describing how to read and write RC759 floppy disks is on the way and will be available soon.
Unless noted otherwise, the software is intended to be run under Concurrent CP/M-86 3.1 but might run on other versions of CP/M-86. Most of the software is available as bootable floppy images and will boot up the required operating system automatically.
The list of software for the RC759 on this website is quite small compared to what was available at the time, the RC759 was in use. We are constantly searching for more software on working floppy disks.
If you have any software on floppy disks (original or not) made for (or compatible with) the RC759 PICCOLINE, you are very welcome to send us your floppies. After reading, we will return your floppy disks. Please send an e-mail to haagerup@gmail.com.
Elementary School Educational Software
Bedre EDB Programmer, AU-Herning okt. 85 (More information and screenshots)
A disk with various educational software, including IDAM Idtrætsstævneprogram (sport educational management) and BRØKER (a tutorial on fractions). Some minor tools are also included.
RC759_BedreEdbProgrammer.img.bz2 (269.66 kB) -
DDA krydstabelprogram v. 3.1 - Medlemmer af Græsrodsorganisationer 1979 (More information and screenshots)
A program for manipulating and doing calculations of tables of data. Data of some grassroots organizations from 1979 seems to be included.
RC759_DDAkrydstabelprogramGraesrodsorg1979.img.bz2 (33.17 kB) -
Dansk værktøj, version 1.0 (More information and screenshots)
This bootable disk contains two programs intended to be used in elementary education in the Danish language. The programs are "Trykkeri" (printing press) and "Forside" (front cover). The first program can be used to print text in a graphical way (prettyprint). The second program allows the user to draw various primitve objects such as lines and rectangles in order to design a front cover for the text.
RC759_DanskVaerktoej.img.bz2 (128.31 kB) -
Datalære (More information and screenshots)
This disk is not very user friendly as it does not boot up any useful software. However, it seems to contain some kind of a quiz program written in RcComal80 or at least some programs to create multiple choice tests.
RC759_Datalaere.img.bz2 (345.78 kB) -
Dialog-systemet (More information and screenshots)
A graphical language training software for Danish, English and German. The software consists of various exercising such as typing words by finding the first letter of various words depicted on the screen, or drawing scenes by typing what objects to draw.
RC759_DialogSystemet.img.bz2 (231.81 kB) -
EDB-kort RcComal (More information and screenshots)
This disc is associated with a computer programming course in RcComal80. It is assumed that this is for elementary school students on the later years. The name "EDB-kort" is nowadays called "IT-kørekort" and is Danish for "Computer course".
RC759_EdbKortRcComal.img.bz2 (109.23 kB) -
Farvel og tobak (More information and screenshots)
This disk contain some Comal80 programs that informs about cancer and risks due to smoking, including statistics.
RC759_FarvelOgTobak.img.bz2 (121.77 kB) -
Folk (More information and screenshots)
FOLK (version 1.0) by Jens Baunsgaard is a database-like program that works with data about people. Data can be entered, viewed and manipulated. Some statistics can be performed as well.
RC759_Folk.img.bz2 (67.82 kB) -
Foodman (More information and screenshots)
Foodman is an educational game that teaches food related topics. The player is walking around in a supermarket, ingesting different foods. The player will die if eating too much or too little, too much sugar or if rotten food is ingested.
RC759_Foodman.img.bz2 (102.09 kB) -
Gæt en historie (More information and screenshots)
This educational software is about guessing words in a story. The student is presented with a screen of unknown words. The student can type in whole words or letters and if they match the story, the words will be revealed. A writing tool is also included for making new guessable stories.
RC759_GaetEnHistorie.img.bz2 (140.74 kB) -
Hvorfor fejl i Dansk? (More information and screenshots)
"Why writing mistakes in Danish?", a grammar training software for the Danish language, by Data-Pro. The program is written in RcComal80. The disk is bootable.
RC759_HvorforFejlIDansk.img.bz2 (322.71 kB) -
Hvorfor fejl i Engelsk? (More information and screenshots)
"Why writing mistakes in English?", a grammar training software for the English language, by Data-Pro. The program is written in RcComal80. The disk is bootable.
RC759_HvorforFejlIEngelsk.img.bz2 (322.39 kB) -
Konditest (More information and screenshots)
Software that can do a variety of physical fitness tests/calculations if appropriate data is entered. Bootable floppy.
RC759_Konditest.img.bz2 (236.78 kB) -
Lykkehjulet (More information and screenshots)
A Danish Wheel of Fortune game by Alan Sørensen. Bootable floppy, but crashes during boot. Booting up with another disk to run the program does not solve the problem. If you have a working copy, please let us know.
RC759_Lykkehjulet.img.bz2 (317.07 kB) -
Lærerkusus 85 (More information and screenshots)
This disk contains three programs: LK-TEKST, LK-STAT and LK-LÆS, by Danmarks Lærerhøjskole, 1985. The software is likely made for a teachers course of some kind. The disk is not bootable.
RC759_Laererkursus85.img.bz2 (392.82 kB) -
Matematik 2 (More information and screenshots)
This disk contains DIVISION, a program for training division, and MULTIPLIKATION, a program for training multiplication. Both programs presents the student various exercises and after answering, a list of the results.
RC759_Matematik2.img.bz2 (326.20 kB) -
Matematik 3 (More information and screenshots)
Math educational games and training software. Includes Dr. Faktor, Kasttern, Mangltal, Pascal, Pytagoras, Sumtotern, Addition, Subtrakt, Multipli, Division, Omsæt and more exercises in addition.
RC759_Matematik3.img.bz2 (324.93 kB) -
Model af datamaskine (More information and screenshots)
A program written in RcComal80 that simulates a microcomputer like the RC759.
RC759_Model_af_datamaskine.img.bz2 (319.47 kB) -
Målestation/Vejrstation (More information and screenshots)
More information coming soon.
RC759_Maalestation_Vejrstation.img.bz2 (288.22 kB) -
Tabeltræning (More information and screenshots)
This disk boots up a multiplication table training program.
RC759_Tabeltraening.img.bz2 (109.03 kB)
Demo 1 - Demonstrationsdiskette - HI-Messen 1984 (More information and screenshots)
A demo disk with various games, educational software, graphics and sound. The disk seems to be created for HI-Messen 1984 to demonstrate the capability of the RC PICCOLINE.
RC759_Demo1.img.bz2 (368.14 kB) -
Demo 2 - DEMO version 1.0 (More information and screenshots)
A demo disk with various games, graphics and sound.
RC759_Demo2.img.bz2 (356.32 kB) -
Den fortryllede telefon (More information and screenshots)
A graphical adventure inspired by or ported from the BBC Micro. The Danish title translates to "The Spellbound Telephone". The software is version 1.1, made by Jacob Hoffmann and distributed by Programdatateket, Viborg municipality, with permission from MAPE (Micros and Primary Education, Sudbroke, England). Serial number is 87-981481-891128-01.
RC759_DenFortrylledeTelefon.img.bz2 (171.62 kB)
Layout (More information and screenshots)
A Danish graphics editor that also have some CAD functionality. Some of the features can be used in third-party programs in RcComal80 or Pascal.
RC759_Layout.img.bz2 (221.91 kB)
High School
Astrobasen (More information and screenshots)
Astronomy software by Henry Nørgaard, written in RcComal80. Intended for use in physics/astronomy high school education. This bootable floppy includes Concurrent DOS although Concurrent CP/M-86 should be sufficient.
RC759_Astrobasen.img.bz2 (244.95 kB) -
Bil-simulation (More information and screenshots)
Physics software that simulates a car driving over a hill. The program calculates and graphically visualizes various physical parameters. Bootable floppy image.
RC759_Bil-simulation.img.bz2 (90.30 kB) -
Fyisk 1 (More information and screenshots)
This disk contains several physics simulation and calculation programs. This includes Bilsimulation (simulatiion of a car running over a hill), Huygens (simulation of the Huygens–Fresnel principle), calculation of resistors etc.
RC759_Fysik1.img.bz2 (331.29 kB)
Eliza (More information and screenshots)
A version of the classic ELIZA program written in RcComal80. Bootable floppy disk image.
RC759_Eliza.img.bz2 (371.14 kB) -
Mikroskinner (More information and screenshots)
A small utility for making keyboard templates.
RC759_Mikroskinner.img.bz2 (77.41 kB)
Office & Productivity
Eddie (More information and screenshots)
Label creation software with multiple fonts and printing support.
RC759_Eddie.img.bz2 (187.05 kB) -
Minicalc v. 2.3 (More information and screenshots)
A small spreadsheet application in Danish, intended for educational use, by J. E. Hald, Amtscentralen Thisted, August 1985. Version 2.3.
RC759_Minicalc_v2.3.img.bz2 (306.28 kB) -
Miniplan v. 1.12 (More information and screenshots)
A small spreadsheet application in Danish, by Carl Hemmingsen and Palle Skaarup from Forlaget FAG. Version 1.12 from February 1987. The software was distributed by Programdatateket, Viborg municipality. The disk is bootable.
RC759_Miniplan_v1.12.img.bz2 (402.39 kB) -
Pbase v. 3.1 (More information and screenshots)
Database program with some examples included. Distributed by Programdatateket, Viborg Municipality.
RC759_Pbase_v3.1.img.bz2 (161.20 kB) -
Ptekst v. 1.1 (More information and screenshots)
Ptekst, a text editor, version 1.1 from 1985.
RC759_Ptekst_v1.1.img.bz2 (335.23 kB) -
RcKalk v. 1.2 (More information and screenshots)
A spreadsheet program from RC Computer, version 1.2. The disk is not bootable.
RC759_RcKalk_v1.2.img.bz2 (48.76 kB) -
Skriv v. 2.2 (More information and screenshots)
A Danish word processor by Jørgen H. Christiansen, version 2.2. Bootable floppy disk.
RC759_Skriv_v2.2.img.bz2 (89.59 kB) -
Skriv v. 5.5 (More information and screenshots)
A Danish word processor for the RC759. Bootable floppy image.
RC759_Skriv_v5.5.img.bz2 (127.49 kB) -
Tryk16 (More information and screenshots)
A program that can prettyprint text on the Rc603 printer.
RC759_Tryk16.img.bz2 (153.97 kB) -
Tryk17 (More information and screenshots)
A program that can prettyprint text on various printers, by Mikro Værkstedet, Odense.
RC759_Tryk17.img.bz2 (188.70 kB) -
Universal-File (More information and screenshots)
Some kind of database program. There is very little information about this program and there seems to be files missing. Not bootable, but some startup files is on the disk.
RC759_Universal-File.img.bz2 (178.40 kB) -
WordPerfect 4.2 (Danish) (More information and screenshots)
Danish version of the well-known word processor, version 4.2. This is a DOS application (Concurrent DOS is included).
RC759_WordPerfect_4.2_Danish.img.bz2 (539.49 kB)
Operating Systems
Concurrent CP/M-86 v. 3.1, Release 3.2 (More information and screenshots)
Concurrent CP/M-86 (Danish) v. 3.1 for the RC750 Partner.
RC750_Concurrent_CPM86_v3.1_r3.2_Disk1.img.bz2 (330.44 kB)
RC750_Concurrent_CPM86_v3.1_r3.2_Disk2.img.bz2 (279.06 kB) -
Concurrent DOS 5 for the RC759 (More information and screenshots)
Concurrent DOS 5.0 by Digital Research for the RC759 PICCOLINE in Danish. These disks are very likely original as they were originally distributed.
RC759_ConcurrentDOS5-Disk3.img.bz2 (149.58 kB) -
PICCOLINE Distributionssystem v. 2.3 (More information and screenshots)
These four floppy disks were originally supplied with the RC759 PICCOLINE and contains a Danish version of Concurrent CP/M-86 version 3.1 along with other system software from Regnecentralen, including RcComal80 and RcTekst.
RC759_Distributionssystem_v2.3_Disk1.img.bz2 (344.52 kB)
RC759_Distributionssystem_v2.3_Disk2.img.bz2 (228.44 kB)
RC759_Distributionssystem_v2.3_Disk3.img.bz2 (152.47 kB)
RC759_Programpakke_v2.3.img.bz2 (221.41 kB) -
PICCOLINE Distributionssystem v. 3.1 (More information and screenshots)
These four floppy disks were originally supplied with the RC759 PICCOLINE and contains a Danish version of Concurrent CP/M-86 version 3.1 along with other system software from Regnecentralen, including RcComal80 and RcTekst.
RC759_Distributionssystem_v3.1_Disk1.img.bz2 (308.43 kB)
RC759_Distributionssystem_v3.1_Disk2.img.bz2 (260.52 kB)
RC759_Distributionssystem_v3.1_Disk3.img.bz2 (161.89 kB)
RC759_Distributionssystem_v3.1_Disk4.img.bz2 (267.73 kB) -
RC759 Formatted Floppy Disk (More information and screenshots)
A blank formatted 1.2 MB floppy disk for the RC759. This clean floppy contains no files and is ideal for transferring your own files to the RC759 using cpmtools and the rc759 diskdef.
RC759_Formatted_Floppy.img.bz2 (2.62 kB)
Programming Languages
MikroLogo v. 1.1 (More information and screenshots)
A Logo-inspired programming language, like Myresnak.
RC759_MikroLogo_v1.1.img.bz2 (41.68 kB) -
Myresnak v. 1.2 (More information and screenshots)
A simple programming language that can be used to make graphics, like the Logo-language. For educational use.
RC759_Myresnak_v1.2.img.bz2 (28.17 kB) -
PolyPascal v. 3.1 (More information and screenshots)
PolyPascal, the predecessor to Turbo Pascal. Official distribution copy from RC Computer, for the RC759 PICCOLINE. Works on the RC750 Partner as well.
RC759_PolyPascal_v3.1.img.bz2 (128.44 kB) -
Turbo Pascal v. 3.01A for CP/M-86 (More information and screenshots)
Turbo Pascal 3 for CP/M-86 on a RC750 formatted floppy disk. Can be used on RC759 as well. Not bootable. Some examples are included.
RC750_TurboPascal_v3.01a.img.bz2 (63.50 kB)
RC750 ROM v. 6.0 ROE114-ROE115 (More information and screenshots)
Version 6.0 of the RC750 ROM.
RC750_ROM_v6.0-ROE114-ROE115.rom (32.77 kB) -
RC759 ROM v. 1-2.1 ROA956-ROA955 (More information and screenshots)
Version 1-2.1 of the RC759 ROM.
RC759-ROM-v1-2.1_ROA956-ROA955.rom (32.77 kB) -
RC759 ROM v. 1-5.1 ROB612-ROB611 (More information and screenshots)
Version 1-5.1 of the RC759 ROM.
RC759_ROM_v1-5.1_ROB612-ROB611.rom (32.77 kB) -
RC759 ROM v. 2-4.0 ROB553-ROB552 (More information and screenshots)
Version 2-4.0 of the RC759 ROM. The ROM was found in a PICCOLINE II (newer 8 MHz version of the RC759).
RC759_ROM_v2-4.0_ROB553-ROB552.rom (32.77 kB) -
RC759 ROM v. 2-5.1 ROB614-ROB613 (More information and screenshots)
Version 2-5.1 of the RC759 ROM.
RC759_ROM_v2-5.1_ROB614-ROB613.rom (32.77 kB)